Saturday, August 4, 2012

Day Four

Again I've found that it's twenty past eleven and I haven't written this thing. I had a concept in mind for a post but it's going to take more than forty minutes to do so that'll happen tomorrow. So okay today my sister and her fiance came over and brought me my birthday present and now I have a really pretty new pair of nice headphones so that's brilliant.

Also today I almost finished one quarter of my online classes and I'm kinda stressed out because they have to be finished by the tenth and they haven't been but I'm determined to do it. Gosh it's getting to that point where I'm not making sense to myself anymore. Oh man I learned how to make gifs in photoshop today because I finally got it to download and so I made a really terrible gif it's over there it's Jake (MulfordtheDean) telling the world that he's beautiful after spilling confetti everywhere on his head. It has some weird delay at the beginning and the coloring is off because I had to change the size to upload it onto tumblr but I DID IT and I'm so proud of myself. I'm out of things to say now. Probably gonna go to bed now.

Until tomorrow I guess
xx D

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